
2023年7月1日土曜日 -

Riz - My hometown, Argao


タイトルは「私の故郷 アルガオ 」です。


My hometown, Argao

By Teacher Riz

My hometown is Argao. This name came from a plant called sali-argaw, which was abundant in the coastal areas of this place. Years gone by, locals then used this name until it became Argao.

Argao is one of the biggest first-class municipalities in the southeast of Cebu and is approximately sixty-seven kilometers from Cebu City. It is famous for its tablea and torta. I can remember when my grandma and mother used to make and prepare these for special occasions like Fiesta and All Saints Day. Tablea is a ball of ground-up cacao beans, usually heated and combined with water to make a traditional Filipino chocolate drink. Torta is a sweet and spongy pastry that originated in Cebu.

Argao is also blessed with some beautiful beaches, caves, waterfalls, springs and more. It's an amazing place.


abundant : 豊富な
municipality : 地方自治体
ground-up : すりつぶした
pastry : パン菓子