
2022年2月5日土曜日 -

MJ - Recluse





By Teacher MJ

I used to hang out a lot with my friends during my high school and college years. A day wouldn't go by without communicating with them. I was happy being with them, but being dependent on their decisions also meant I was clinging to them. Asking for their attention was a painful thing I experienced. I lost my worth. Nevertheless, I kept repeating that.

Then one day I realized I didn't need them to be happy. I started to draw a line between friendship and myself. At first, it was difficult for me. Leaving all the things I used to do was really tough. I guess maturity helped me to achieve this. Along my journey, I found peace of mind. I learnt how to appreciate myself and I found my worth. Choosing myself and my career was the best choice I've ever made.

Reading books is my new hobby. Staying alone in the room isn't that bad anyways. I enjoy watching movies, playing guitar, doing some arts and meditating. These are the things I never did when I was so immersed in a crowded room.  By the way, calling us recluses never offends us, in fact, it’s a way of caring for one’s self.



本を読むことは私の新しい趣味です。部屋に一人でいるのも悪くないです。映画を見たり、ギターを弾いたり、芸術をしたり、瞑想したりするのも楽しいです。これらは、人ごみの中にどっぷり浸かっていたときには決してしなかったことです。 ちなみに、私たちを引きこもりと呼ぶのは決して悪気があるわけではなく、むしろ自分を大切にするための手段なのです。