
2023年5月27日土曜日 -

Lewis - Moving House


タイトルは「Moving House」です。


Moving House

By Teacher Lewis

I really enjoy living in Japan, mainly because of the weather, the food and the atmosphere. However, living in an apartment has been challenging for me, I've been struggling to find space to cook or put things and to feel comfortable. This year my fiance and I decided to buy a house so that we would have more space for ourselves and our dog. If I’m honest, everything has gone pretty smoothly,  we found an estate agency that helps foreigners with the process of moving in Japan. The company has been really great for us as they know the issues which are most likely to come up and deal with them preemptively.

Now we are near the end the process. All that is left is to get the keys and move in. The last time I moved in Japan I didn't have many things to move, so it was pretty straightforward.  This time I have a lot more furniture and appliances, so I am bit apprehensive. After moving however, I know I will be very happy and comfortable. I'm looking forward to having more space, storage and a little garden. The exciting thing for me about moving is planning where to put all the furniture and designing the rooms. It's like a puzzle. I like finding and matching furniture and colours, thinking about where the sofa can go, buying decorations like plants and things like that. Another thing I like about moving is learning about the local area. I can walk my dog and find new places like parks and convenience stores.

We get the keys to the house tomorrow and we will be moving in over the space of three weeks. After I move, I'll make sure to write another blog to let you know how it went.

an estate agency : 不動産業者
preemptively : 先制して
straightforward : 簡単な
appliance : 電気製品
apprehensive : 懸念して