
2020年9月11日金曜日 -

Joshua- The Oil Store

Last week a good friend of mine took me to Kyoto. However, this trip wasn't a typical sight-seeing trip. We went to a specialty oil store.


The shop had over fifty different kinds of oil. There was walnut oil, flax seed oil, cashew oil, and pretty much any oil that you can think of. The most common kind of oil they had was olive oil, but there was nothing common about them. There was olive oil from all over the world and olive oil from right here in Japan. There were also differently-infused oils, for example, with lemon or garlic, to name two.


The best part was you could try them all. They had a sample of each oil and there was bread that you could dip to have a taste, to try before you buy. In the end I just had to buy a couple, so I came away with a bottle of their signature orange-infused olive oil and a bottle of basil-infused olive oil. They were just too delicious and unique to pass up.

specialty: 専門

walnut : くるみ

flax seed:亜麻の種






unique to pass up:ユニークとしか言いようがない