
2019年10月18日金曜日 -

Maria -Night Hiking!

This summer, I tried night hiking for the first time. I went hiking on Mt. Horai in Shiga prefecture. The goal was to reach the top of the mountain to see the sunrise over Lake Biwa.

We started the hike from Horai station around midnight. It was very peaceful and quiet. At first, walking up the mountain road was easy and the route was easily visible, but soon the path became more difficult. Using flashlights and headlamps, we walked steep and rocky trails thick with trees. Due to the frequent typhoons in summer, some paths were more flooded than usual, and some trees had fallen down. I saw deer in the forest, who seemed surprised to see humans in their home at such an hour.

When we finally reached the mountain peak, what was usually a breathtaking view of Lake Biwa was actually obscured by clouds and fog! It was like a sea of grey. But it was okay. I was proud to finish a difficult hike, and I have a reason to try again in the future!

At the top of the mountain, you can visit Biwako Valley, also accessible by
 ropeway. In the winter it is a popular skiing spot, and in the summer there are many activities for children. Using the ropeway to descend the mountain after a long night hike was a nice experience!

reach: 到着する
route: 道
visible: 目に見える
path: 小道
flashlights: 懐中電灯
steep: 急勾配の
rocky: 岩の多い
trails: 小道
thick: 茂った
Due to: ~のため
flooded: 水浸しになった
peak: 山頂
breathtaking: あっと言わせるような
obscured: ぼんやりした
fog: 濃霧
Valley: 谷
descend: 下る